
A Place, It is Found

IT has concluded, and I have an apartment!

Actually, I have a bedroom in an apartment. But it is not too far from The Store, it is near public transportation, it seems to have nice people living in it currently, and it is eminently affordable, which is the best part.

So yes, that is Very Happy, and now I get to call and cancel all the other apartments I was planning on seeing, which is exciting.


Andy Cantor said...


Happy living space!

Anonymous said...

Not only did you begin prior to your birthday, you also finished. Well done and congratulations.

Arcadian said...

Thank you all! I am very pleased, and I get pleaseder and pleaseder the more confirmed it gets. I won't be moved in before my birthday, but I'll be moved before Thanksgiving, which is beating my deadline with much time to spare. It's exciting.

Incidentally, David, I'll be moving in with some of your cohorts.