
Me Stuff

Heh. So I am the victim of two (well, several, but two that matter) competing desires. One is the desire not to make my blog boring and irrelevant by writing about stupid shit. The other is my desire not to quit writing in my blog now that I've quit traveling to interesting places and doing interesting things. So now I need to find some sort of new balance.

Until I do, you get to read about my job search.

Okay, you don't really, because it would just be a rant about how stressed I get about interviews. The good news is, I had one today, I have another one Friday morning. The bad news is, even if I get either of these I still need another job, and also, interviews make me insane.

Right, so there are plenty of other more interesting things to be writing about. I'm catching up on the end of the third season of Veronica Mars, and I have to say that it is a crime against God and humanity that it was canceled for next year. Even the bad episodes are intelligent, well-written, and complex. It always pleases me to rot my brain in the most brainy way possible. (You know what other show is wicked good in that respect? House, M.D. I want to marry Hugh Laurie, but only if he's not that mean in person. Heh.)

Speaking of low-stress entertainment options, I went to the library today to visit with the Divine Dictator, and of course came out with two bags full of books. Since I'm jet-lagged, it's all about the good old fashioned children's section comfort reads. I always forget how much I like Chris Crutcher's stuff until they're staring me in the face again. It's easy to overdose, but I maintain that Staying Fat For Sara Byrnes is one of the best thought-provoking YAs out there. Plus, you know, the standbys -- The Hobbit, The Changeling, Year of the Griffin; plus a bunch more that the Divine Dictator recommended. I think I picked up like four adult books total, and two of them are collections of fairy tales. (I really want to read some folklore from Egypt and Ireland -- the places I just got back from. I'm of course pretty familiar with Greek already, but seeing all the figurines made me so curious about how the Egyptian stuff worked.)

Pretty soon I need to start rereading the Harry Potters in preparation for Book Seven (dun dun DUN) but that can wait until July, I think.

Oh, hey, feed your brain: a pretty insightful -- or at least interesting -- look at current American politics. Kinda makes me want to move to England.

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