
Happy Birthday To Me

I live in a tree...

Wait, that's not right.

By the grace of God, I have made it out of that terrible year of twenty-two, and can now join the rest of the world, heaving a huge sigh of relief and relaxation. Twenty-three is BOUND to be better. It can't HELP but be better. I am so excited about twenty-three. Twenty-three is young enough to still be hip and ignorant, and old enough that I don't look like a misplaced college student. Twenty-three is old enough to do everything fun without being all self-conscious about being old enough to do everything fun. Twenty-three is going to be awesome.

It's already getting off to a much better start than twenty-two (knock on wood). I've found an apartment. "The winter thing" worked out, and soon I start work on a play -- with Omnipotent Softy, which is really exciting. I have a good job. I am working on my issues. I am making friends. I'm going to be fine, this year. Thank God.

And I am celebrating it with new clothes, a trip to the city, and possibly a piece of metal jammed into my nose.


Andy Cantor said...

Hey cool! You'd look awesome with a nose piercing!


Peter said...

You're working with Softy again? That is the most excellent thing I have heard this week! Congratulations!

A happy birthday as well, and many more to come.

Arcadian said...

Well, it's about as worked out as it can be at present. I haven't quite uncrossed my fingers yet, but I am a paranoid soul. Don't worry, I'll keep you guys updated as much as I can.

And thanks! It was a good birthday and I'm quite pleased with my nose piercing.