
Veronica Mars -- Postgame Mortem

Whee, this show is rocking so hard. They haven't been in this strong of a groove since season one; it is making me SO happy.

I totally loved the little eleven year old girl and Logan thing. I realize that it was a little contrived and a little trite, and I wasn't a huge ginormous fan of the oh, she does know something about love and loss because her parents split up "twist", whatever, my parents split up when I was that age, doesn't mean I knew anything about love and loss, necessarily. But the actress was adorable, the interaction wasn't too cutesy, and the elevator scene made me squeal very loudly given that I was in a faculty computer room.

As a side note, regarding that, how much is Logan the girl and Veronica the guy in their relationship? My god. It's not a bad thing, I like how they reverse the stereotypes -- I'd definitely be pissed if it were Veronica mooning around among room service trays. But you know. A little ... noticeable. But then, now that I think about it, not altogether different from many of the relationships I saw in college.

Also, Dick is continuing his scary and nerve-wracking run as nearing the territory of likeable. Oh, he's got a few more light years to go, but the fact that I don't hate him is makding me so nervous, I can't tell you guys. What's next, virtuous members of the KKK? But I can't help it, he was hilarious this week.

So that subplot was all to the good. The coach's murder... I really wish there had been more Wallace. What the hell? You can't give the guy a little more screen time, if you're going to feature him at all? But the murder itself was interesting, I really like that it wasn't solved yet by the end, I kind of think it was Josh, but I don't have any evidence about that. But it's been good and twisty, I love having two murders going on at once -- god, do you think it's the same guy, and someone is going around killing the faculty? Because that would completely rock, I'm so serious. I mean, I'm really glad it didn't happen at my college, but fictionally it would rock.

I'm trying to think of other notable things about the episode, but mostly I just really liked it. I liked all the storylines, I thought the dialogue was good (although not crazy-memorable); the breakfast bit was good, although when is Veronica going to learn to check for clients before she starts talking to her dad at the office? Bah. The dean's letter did nothing for me, and Landry continues to annoy, although I don't think either he or Mindy was the killer. I'm still leaning towards the kid (Cyrus's kid that is) or else some kind of faculty and staff serial murderer.

Okay, I have obeyed my own rule, now I've got to go watch the next one!

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