
Up Up And Away

Whee! So in my hot little hands (actually my hot little inbox, but whatever) I have the tres shiny ticket to Vienna, pas cher du tout, which was very exciting given that I didn't buy it until today. Hurray, I leave Sunday, I shall NOT spend two full weeks out here with nothing to do, I shall go see ... I don't know what I shall see but it will probably involve Mozart in one way or another.

Anyway, for the three of you who follow this, posting will be sporadic for the next couple of weeks since I will be going to the Mont St.-Michel and Rennes this week and Vienna and probably Prague next week. I'll post and write whenever I have access.


Anonymous said...

and dakota fanning is actually, like 12 or 13. just a little younger than me. but she always plays these young girls cuz shes so petite. and hasn't gone thru puberty yet.

Arcadian said...

Girl has no front teeth. Either they're very, very crooked, or she is in desperate need of braces, but she looks like she talks with a lisp. Don't get me wrong, she seems cute and nice and whatnot, but girl looks like a squirrell. A seven and a half year old squirrell.