
Hurray for Hollywood

Wow, is Spider-Man 3 the most manipulative movie ever or what? Okay, I actually have reason to believe that 300 is more manipulative still, but Spider-Man 3 is the most manipulative movie I've seen in recent memory. (Now, Sam, was the American flag thing really necessary? Look into your soul and get back to me on that one, huh? Because I think you could have gotten along just fine without it.) Everything you've read in the reviews is true; there is too much going on but it is nevertheless a satisfying wrapup. And some of the manipulation works really well -- SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT okay, I was totally cheering when Spider-Man and the New Goblin teamed up; that was fucking awesome and totally unexpected END SPOILER ALERT END SPOILER ALERT -- and it's not like the other Spider-Man movies aren't also totally manipulative. And yet ... I came out not sure what to think about it, ironically because the movie was so clear about what I ought to be thinking.

Other than that, I'm having a lovely time in Durham, staying with Ella and her husband, spending most of my time sleeping, watching TV, drinking tea and going to the bookstore. I think I'm going to break down and buy Bill Bryson's new book, which is on sale all over Europe, because the first hundred pages or so were wicked good. Yes, I know I have neither very much money nor very much suitcase room. I have the self-discipline of a six year old.

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