
And You Shall Know Us By Our Digital Cameras

You know what there should be? There should be Euro Backpacker Barbie.

Seriously, I have it all thought out. Euro Backpacker Barbie has shoulder length, dirty, shaggy hair. It's layered and full of split ends. Actually, an old Barbie head that a four year old has practiced hairdressing on would be perfect. She wears a tank top and highwaters, and hinking boots, and has REALLY obvious tan lines behind her straps and watch and such. She has a backpack longer than her torso and thicker than her waist, with a teeny tiny ineffective padlock on the zipper, full of dirty laundry. She has a huge purse over one shoulder, full of cigarette cartons from different countries*, a lighter, a very tattered novel, an iPod, a digital camera, a bandana to tie over her hair when it gets too greasy, sunscreen, postcards, a book of Sudoku, an empty water bottle, and approximately eighty million Metro stubs from various cities. Her sunglasses are on her head. Around her waist is a money belt, with her passport, the key to the padlock, twelve euros, and her credit card.

Euro Backpacker Ken looks just the same, except he's in baggy cargo shorts a wifebeater, and doesn't have the purse. For five dollars you can get the expander pack, making her "Long Term Euro Backpacker Barbie"; expander pack includes extra duffel bag on wheels full of dirty laundry, a visa, and a bag of cosmetics, each from a different city (you know, toothpaste from Italy, lipstick from Germany, hairbrush from Denmark, etc.); a bikini, a winter coat, and a copy of The Rough Guide to Europe.

(The alternate title for this post was "How I Know I've Been Out Here Too Long.")

Yeah, yeah, Athens: I saw lots of cool things in Athens today, and did lots of squealing. You will hear about it tomorrow, when I can upload my pictures, because right now I am sleepy, and can no longer squeal as these things deserve. (Teaser: I was in the Dionysian Theater! Where the first showing ever of Antigone was performed! SQUEE! Okay, that's all I have the energy for right now.)

*No, Mom, I have not started smoking; please don't worry.

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