
Sad News

My iPod is dead. Its clickwheel no longer clicks. Technically, I suppose, I could still listen to it, if I wanted to listen to exactly the songs it wants to play for me at exactly the volume it wants to play them, but I think it's time to just give it up. I am jaded by the Apple corporation -- at the end of the day, my iPod didn't work very well, and it certainly didn't last very long -- but not so jaded that I don't want a new one. It is very annoying that it died in the middle of rural Ireland; I was sort of counting on it to make me go hiking.

On the plus side, rural Ireland is really, really, really pretty, and I can deal with it much better on twelve hours of sleep than I could on five.


Unknown said...

You know, clickwheels can be replaced. What variety of iPod do you have?

Arcadian said...

One of the old minis, from a couple years ago. It's metallic blue and I love it. Tell me how to salvage it and I will buy you ice cream.

Unknown said...

Step 1 is to buy a nonfunctional iPod from eBay, as you'd pay $80 for a clickwheel by itself from some suppliers. Step 2 is to take both units apart; instructions here, among other places. (Accompanying images here.) Swap the wheels and put everything back together. (I'd advise taking apart the broken one first, so you know the nuances of the process before opening up your more-working one!)

Of course, if you want me to do it, I'd love to.

Arcadian said...

I am absolutely going to take you up on that as soon as I get back to the States. I will pay you in ice cream for the labor involved.